Friday, December 01, 2006

Lanka Media Outlook Blog trying to increase hits at others expense

There is a comment in one of of posts that go like this and which we have not deleted since we have nothing to hide.

"Hi all patriots,
If you think this TVRadio admin works for some one, don't worry lets take a brake and say bye to him. We have something our own, Please log on to
Where you can find truly srilanka admin's blog. lets meet there. "

Well we do not work for anyone in the media industry. We gather information about the local media and bring it you and we do not fear to expose people behind some of the incidents that are taking place in the media industry. We also express our point of view on the subject being discussed.

Looks like the blog "Lanka Media Outlook" is trying to tarnish our image to increase the visitors to their blog. So most of the visitors to the all the forums to this blog know how critical we are of the management of these institutions but are also carrying out on line campaigns against those who mistreat them.

So we hope that "Lanka Media Outlook" will not attempt this sort of tactic any further.

Important : Lanka Media Outlook says that the comment referred above was not made by them and has been made by someone else. We like to thank them for this information.


justavisitor said...

"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel" - Samuel Johnson

Anonymous said...

mind your own business idiot. We are a well compiled unite and buggers like you will never get a chance to break us till win.
So many people like you tried this kind of things even posting to our blog too...
on't waste your time. create a blog for idiots like hulla, balla & you to play .